THE BIGGEST MISTAKE I see is people cutting calories way too much, way too soon!
You are hugely limiting your potential progress by reducing things so much, so soon!
Not only will protein help to protect (& even build) muscle while losing bodyfat
It is also very satiating & will help manage hunger, too!
Another big mistake is reducing fats to very low levels
Fats are essential for life, hormone regulation & nutrient absorption
Without them, you will feel terrible & limit your fat loss potential
As calories begin to reduce, make good use of low-calorie foods such as salad items, green vegetables, tomatoes, onions, mushrooms etc that will add a lot of volume to your meals without much impact on overall calorie consumption
The last common mistake is to make changes too frequently without the need to
Weekly reductions, just because
If something is working, & your body is responding, it doesn’t need to change