Which is better?
It’s not so much about ‘better’
And more about ‘prefer’
If you prefer to have some target numbers for calories & macros
Which you then pop into an app
And track what you’re eating to aim to get close to those targets
Go for it
For some, this is incredibly handy
Allows more flexibility
And can even act as a little bit of a game or competition
For others, myself included, having greater structure is preferred
I just want to clarify here that ‘structure’ doesn’t mean ‘prescriptive’
I am not saying that the meals on the plan are the only thing that can be eaten… ever
It is simply a guideline
For me, and those who generally prefer this approach, it simplifies things
It’s easier to batch cook & prepare for
It takes away the uncertainty or decision making throughout the day
Makes it easier to shop for, knowing roughly what will be needed
And, overall, just simplifies life
Where many also get confused is in thinking it has to be one or other
I’d say that most people have a degree of both
It’s not uncommon, for example, to eat a similar breakfast every day
And take the same snacks & meals to work
And then, perhaps, have a little more flexibility for the evening meal
Finding what works best for you is where the magic happens
Because once you’ve figured that out
You can be consistent
And see results